Newbigging Outdoor Centre
Newbigging is Girlguiding Dundee's Outdoor Centre located in a quiet rural location, 7 miles south of Blairgowrie. We have a holiday house with garden, a spacious campsite, and three wigwams.
These cater for all age groups, providing a comfortable and well equipped centre for Girlguiding camps, indoor holidays and training events.
Holiday house and garden sleeps 24 children plus 6 leaders (or up 30 adults)
3-acre flat campsite with toilets
Wigwams sleep up 5 each (6th person on a campmat), sharing toilets and facilities with the campsite
You can find out more about each of these below.
We welcome enquiries from Girlguiding units and other uniformed groups who would like to hire our facilities.
Please contact the Newbigging Team with any questions or booking requests.