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Information about Newbigging prices can be found below.


When you book we'll request a non-refundable deposit, and send you an invoice spreadsheet to help you calculate your final bill.


Information last updated April 2024


Girlguiding Dundee units

Holiday House

£7.00 per person per night

House fees also include electricity for lighting, cooking, and hot water only. Electricity readings should be taken on arrival and departure, and added to your invoice.


If you book a 2-night weekend in December & January there is a £50.00 discount for weekend bookings.

For the rest of the year there is a 10% discount on all house, campsite and wigwam
bookings for two consecutive nights or more (ie not for day visits, single overnight bookings etc).



£5.00 per person per night for fully equipped campsite.

£120.00 for day hire of fully equipped campsite.


Campsite fees also include electricity in wet weather shelter & toilet block.



£35.00 per night per wigwam (sleeps up to 6 – no heating or lighting), there are 3 wigwams.


Other options/charges

  • Day visits (between 9am & 6pm) for up to approximately 50 people:

    • Monday-Friday £50.00 or £10.00 per hour

    • Saturday/Sunday £195.00 or £20.00 per hour

    • July & first 2 weeks in August £35.00 per day

  • Evening visit £10.00 for up to approximately 50 people

  • Add-ons:

    • Use of Gas with campsite or wigwam hire £10.00 per day

    • Wet Weather Shelter (with house booking, unless campsite in use) £10.00 per day

    • Holiday house kitchen & hall (with campsite or wigwam booking, unless holiday in use) £25.00 per day

    • Archery - find out more

    • Tomahawk throwing - find out more

  • House cleaning penalty charge £30.00


For any other options, including large scale day events, please contact the Newbigging Team.

Girlguiding units from elsewhere

Holiday House

£7.00 per person per night


There is a £292.50 minimum charge for a weekend hire of the holiday house, excluding electricity. 

House fees also include electricity for lighting, cooking, and hot water only. Electricity readings should be taken on arrival and departure, and added to your invoice.



£5.00 per person per night for fully equipped campsite, with a £50.00 minimum.

£120.00 for day hire of fully equipped campsite.


Campsite fees also include electricity in wet weather shelter & toilet block.



£35.00 per night per wigwam (sleeps up to 6 – no heating or lighting), there are 3 wigwams.


Other options/charges

  • Day visits (between 9am & 6pm) for up to approximately 50 people:

    • Monday-Friday £50.00 or £10.00 per hour

    • Saturday/Sunday £195.00 or £20.00 per hour

    • July & first 2 weeks in August £35.00 per day

  • Evening visit £10.00 for up to approximately 50 people

  • Add-ons:

    • Use of Gas with campsite or wigwam hire £10.00 per day

    • Wet Weather Shelter (with house booking, unless campsite in use) £10.00 per day

    • Holiday house kitchen & hall (with campsite or wigwam booking, unless holiday in use) £25.00 per day

    • Archery - find out more

    • Tomahawk throwing - find out more

  • House cleaning penalty charge £30.00


For any other options, including large scale day events, please contact the Newbigging Team.


Non-Girlguiding bookings

Holiday House

£8.00 per person per night


There is a £292.50 minimum charge for a weekend hire of the holiday house, excluding electricity. 


House fees also include electricity for lighting, cooking, and hot water only. Electricity readings should be taken on arrival and departure, and added to your invoice.



£4.00 per person per night for unequipped campsite, with a £50.00 minimum.

£140.00 for day hire of unequipped campsite.


Campsite fees also include electricity in wet weather shelter & toilet block.



£40.00 per night per wigwam (sleeps up to 6 – no heating or lighting), there are 3 wigwams.


Other options/charges

  • Day visits (between 9am & 6pm) for up to approximately 50 people:

    • Monday-Friday £50.00 or £10.00 per hour

    • Saturday/Sunday £195.00 or £20.00 per hour

    • July & first 2 weeks in August £35.00 per day

  • Evening visit £10.00 for up to approximately 50 people

  • Add-ons:

    • Use of Gas with campsite or wigwam hire £10.00 per day

    • Wet Weather Shelter (with house booking, unless campsite in use) £10.00 per day

    • Holiday house kitchen & hall (with campsite or wigwam booking, unless holiday in use) £25.00 per day

    • Archery - find out more

    • Tomahawk throwing - find out more

  • House cleaning penalty charge £30.00


For any other options, including large scale day events, please contact the Newbigging Team.


We welcome enquiries from Girlguiding units and other uniformed groups who would like to hire our facilities.


Please contact the Newbigging Team with any questions or booking requests.​


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