Riverside Rangers recently undertook a unique expedition afloat by paddling through the Falkirk Wheel.
Leader Moira Ledbetter writes:
"Starting from the wheel, we spent an amazing day exploring the waterways (a full 9 miles), during which some of the group were lucky enough to see a kingfisher, before arriving at our home for the night. We stayed at Woodcockdale Stables (Linlithgow sea scout venue) alongside the tow path.
The next morning we paddled a short distance before mooring for our morning roll at the excellent Bridge 49 Cafe Bar & Bistro.
We then paddled all the way back through the locks, including a 630m tunnel (with glowsticks, headtorches and hi-viz jackets). We got back much faster than the previous day and were met by a lovely man from Scottish Canals who directed our group through the awesome Falkirk Wheel."
One of the Rangers described it as "a fantastic opportunity for experiencing a new sport and developing team rapport", and another one said "you get to paddle in the dark for 630m".
Many thanks to everyone who helped, especially the Scottish Canoe Association for loan of canoes.
#ShePaddles in action - and the best feedback from one of the Rangers ...
Really fun, had a great time and I would do it again
Rangers is for girls aged 14-18 - find out more on the Girlguiding website, or get in touch to join Rangers in Dundee.